Installing add-ons in a load balanced enviorment


How does this work?

For example, say I have 3 live servers using the same database, do I need to log onto the admin on each server and apply updates? I guess I do to get the CMS patched correctly on each server?

Im concerend about db changes included in any updates - once I have a installed an update on a server, if DB changes are applied, all the servers will be affected.

Do I need to worry about this?



Jul 30, 2013 12:21

Hello Adam,

If you have shared database and VPP folders, the easiest way would be to apply update on one of the servers and then copy site application files to other servers.  EPiServer Edit UI, UI Platform, Add-On Store Platform and Add-On Store UI don’t have any database changes so you should not worry about this. In general, it is up to an Add-On developer to design the Add-On update in such way that it will not apply DB changes more than once.

Jul 31, 2013 10:24
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