performance with PagedataCollection, SearchDataSource and Pagelist


Hi guys

The scenario is to do a seach/filter among 1000 pages(could be more), it can be done via EpiServer SearchDataSource  with Criterias or using PagedataCollection with a filter. Considering the performance, which one is faster?  In my case I need to search/filter only by one or two property value then sort and present them(with a title, image and short intro).

Then there is pagelist as well, it might not be used in this case but other similar cases(pagelist + a filter to present list of pages), so how's the performace of pagelist ?

Thx guys

Mar 24, 2010 15:16

Property criterias are evaluated at a database level - where as filters are applied on the in-memory data, so for large datasets its always better to filter at the database level rather than in your code.

Its tough to comment on your exact situation, not knowing exactly what you want to achieve, why not set up some simple tests if you need a definitive answer.

There are some good blog posts about this topic....

FindPagesWithCriteria and Performance (by Steve Celius) and for some metrics see Henrik Nyström's post 


Mar 24, 2010 16:10

Thx for the reply, it has been helping, I think I'm gonna use FindPagesWithCriteria, according to Steve's blog, it has better peformance.

Mar 24, 2010 17:25
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