The EPiServer Scheduler Service does not appear to be active, it may have been stopped



Our Schedular service is not running automatically on UAT and live it runs fine on Dev. I have gone through the steps define on the following page but still not success.

My question is does EpiServer requires the service to run on a specific account when the site is initialized?  Curretnly the service is running on Netwrok Service account.

Any help? 

Jan 21, 2014 13:50

Which version? 7?

Jan 21, 2014 14:41

Sorry...saw it was in EPiServer 6 forum.

Try running all jobs manually once...That sometimes helps for older versions.

Jan 21, 2014 14:43

Check your services under windows services and that it's running as well so noone has been there and turned it off / to manual

Jan 21, 2014 15:36

Check that the sitesetting for enabling / disabling the scheduler is set to True.

Jan 21, 2014 16:28

If the FAQ didn't help and your site isn't get registered in "Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Services\Scheduler Service\EPiServer.SchedulerService.Sites.xml"  then make sure you have EPiServer.Scheduler.dll in the site's bin folder? 


Jan 21, 2014 16:30

EPiServer.Scheduler.dll does exist in bin folder and schedular is set to True in Site settings too.

We upgraded our site to 6 R2 last year, I've read about a hot fix which came out in April 2012 but tblScheduledItem missing SecondsAfterLastPing column which is a surprise as we upgraded after hotfix. Could this be cuasing the issue? But strangely it works in development enviornment.

It looks like the site is not registering with scheular services, we have other services in place which are using Network service account and runs fine.

Jan 22, 2014 10:12

Try running all services manually from admin mode once...

Jan 27, 2014 10:03

I have had a few issues with this in 6 and in 6R2. If I remember correctly when you upgrade from 6 to 6R2 there is a SQL script you need to run on the database before you do the upgrade. 

If you check both the tblScheduledItemLog and tblScheduledItem tables, are they both empty? The tblScheduledItem should have all of your schedule jobs in there. The tblScheduledItemLog should have any active logs, I would suggest emptying the log.

I would also suggest deleting the contains of  tblScheduledItem. But making a note of all of your jobs before you do it, you can then re add them in EPiServer. This will remove any locked jobs that you might have in your EPiServer site. Then re add your jobs, I would suggest just adding one of the jobs at first.


If you then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Services\Scheduler Service on your server. You will notice an xml file EPiServer.SchedulerService.Sites.xml add _old to this file. The stop and restart the EPiServer Service process and then restart your site in IIS. 

This should recreate the EPiServer scheduler service xml config and it should not have your jobs in it.

Also did you run the services manually like Daniel suggested?

 Hope this helps, let me know what happens. 

Jan 29, 2014 18:25
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