Chris Sharp
Jul 20, 2020
(12 votes)

Welcome to the 3 new EMVPs!

On behalf of the EMVP Board, I have the honor of announcing and welcoming 3 new EMVPs today in recognition of their dedication and knowledge sharing within the Episerver community.

Congratulations to the new EMVPs:

They have all made significant contributions throughout 2019 and 2020 (and some for many years before that), sharing their knowledge, ideas, and skills with the entire community of Episerver partners and customers, and for that they are awarded the EMVP status

Sadly, the EMVP group has also lost 2 members: Henrik Fransas and Dejan Caric. Both Henrik and Dejan were great members of the EMVP group and contributed greatly to the Episerver community over the years, and for that we thank them as they join the EMVP alumni.

With these changes, the Episerver Most Valuable Professional program has a total of 59 elite members.

You can learn more about the EMVP Program on If you know someone who should be an EMVP, send a nomination to chris (dot) sharp (at) episerver (dot) com. The EMVP Board meets once a quarter and evaluates incoming nominations.

Jul 20, 2020


Praful Jangid
Praful Jangid Jul 21, 2020 06:09 AM

Thanks Chris,

Also, congrats to Ravindra and Mark.

Gaurav Agarwal
Gaurav Agarwal Jul 21, 2020 06:26 AM

Congratulations guys!

Manoj Kumawat
Manoj Kumawat Jul 21, 2020 06:29 AM

Congratulations to all EMVPs. Ravindra and Praful are first two EMVPs from India. Such a proud moment.

Sanjay Kumar
Sanjay Kumar Jul 21, 2020 06:51 AM

Congratulations Guys Great To See Here  !!!

Abhinay Jul 21, 2020 07:19 AM

Congratulations Guys.. Such a proud moment!

Mark Price
Mark Price Jul 21, 2020 07:55 AM


Paul Gruffydd
Paul Gruffydd Jul 21, 2020 08:00 AM

Congratulations all!

Jeroen Stemerdink
Jeroen Stemerdink Jul 21, 2020 09:43 AM


Keshav Dave
Keshav Dave Jul 21, 2020 09:43 AM

Congratulations guys!

Sunil Jul 21, 2020 10:59 AM

Congratulations to all EMVPs.

K Khan
K Khan Jul 21, 2020 12:57 PM

Congratulations all.

Ravindra S. Rathore
Ravindra S. Rathore Jul 21, 2020 01:20 PM

Thank you so much guys and I am very excited to join this elite group

Aniket Jul 21, 2020 03:06 PM

Congratulations & welcome to EMVP club!

Arild Henrichsen
Arild Henrichsen Jul 21, 2020 04:33 PM

Congrats to all the new EMVPs, well done! 

Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Jul 21, 2020 08:47 PM

Congratulations for you all.

Nicola Ayan
Nicola Ayan Jul 22, 2020 05:11 AM

Congrats all! :)

Darren Stahlhut
Darren Stahlhut Jul 22, 2020 05:49 AM

Awesome! Big congrats to Ravindra, Praful and Mark.

Praful Jangid
Praful Jangid Jul 22, 2020 06:06 AM

Thanks guys..

Dileep D
Dileep D Jul 25, 2020 12:50 AM

Congrats Ravindra, Praful and Mark.

Daniel Ovaska
Daniel Ovaska Aug 10, 2020 09:33 AM

Congrats Ravindra, Praful and Mark! Look forward to meeting you!

Praful Jangid
Praful Jangid Aug 10, 2020 09:39 AM

Thanks All, 

@Daniel Ovaska - Let's setup and meet some day. :)

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