Sep 22, 2011
(2 votes)

EPiServer.CMS.Core and EPiServer.Framework now on EPiServer Nuget

I have added 2 new packages to the EPiServer Nuget feed which removes the need to distribute EPiServer assemblies with your packages.


This package contains the core CMS assemblies that are often required when building modules:

  • EPiServer
  • EPiServer.BaseLibrary
  • EPiServer.Implementation
  • EPiServer.Enterprise


This package contains the assemblies most often referenced in the EPiServer Framework:

  • EPiServer.ApplicationModules
  • EPiServer.Data
  • EPiServer.Events
  • EPiServer.Framework
  • EPiServer.Shell
  • System.ComponentModel.Composition (EPiServer compiled version)

If your Nuget package is dependent on any of these assemblies you can just add a package dependency instead of an assembly dependency.

Feedback as always is welcome.

Sep 22, 2011


Frederik Vig
Frederik Vig Sep 23, 2011 10:30 AM

Great stuff! What about the rest of the products? :)

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