Magnus Baneryd
Jan 26, 2010
(1 votes)

“Breaking” change in the Gadget Ajax framework between the CMS 6 RC1 and the RTM

I am sad to announce that we had to do a behavioral change in the gadget Ajax framework.

Previously when you did an Ajax call (using the gadget framework, gadgetInstance.ajax({..})) we loaded the default view of the gadget (gadget.loadView()) when the call returned. This has now changed so that we do not call gadget.loadView() when the Ajax call returns.

So if you were relying on that the default view was loaded when you did an Ajax post using gadgetInstance.ajax you now have to attach a default success handler and call loadView yourself.

    type: "POST",
    url: gadgetInstance.getActionPath({ action: "Save" }),
    data: data,
    success: function(e){
Jan 26, 2010


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