Use Pagefiles across multiple webservers



I have an environment setup with one database server (with EPiServer) and 2 webservers hosting the website. Images have been added via EPiServer to the pagefiles directory yet 2 of them will only show on the website when viewing the site on webserver01. Both images files are available in the file structure when viewing EPiServer UI on each server. However on webserver02 you are unable to view the image and get a 404 error.

Any ideas?

I believe this is caused by accessing the UI on one webserver and uploading the image. The other webserver is not aware of the image properly. I'm looking at setting up the webservices to use with multiple webservers as a method of notifying the other server when the cache has bene updated but I dont know at this stage if this will assist with the image problem.

I guess I'm kinda in need of some assistance....

Thanks in advance



May 12, 2010 0:43

The reason you can browse the files on both servers is that the structure is stored in the database, but the actual files are located on the server where it was uploaded.

One solution to your problem is to use a shared fileserver to store your VPP-files, or just share the VPP folder on one of the servers and say to the other server to use that shared path.

Another solution is to sync the VPP-files between the servers.


May 12, 2010 10:08

My colleague David, wrote a blog post covering these issues and gave an example of how to setup a synchronation process.

May 12, 2010 11:19
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